Saturday, January 18, 2014


Today was a pretty typical day for us--started with you and mommy going to the gym while dad went to work.  You got mad at me when we were getting in the car because it was 14 degrees outside and I was trying to hurry you up into the seat, so I just put you in rather than let you climb.  You fussed, whining "Climb, climb, climb..." until I turned on "Butterfly", then perfectly fine as we headed into the gym.  When we came out, I let you take the time to climb into your seat, which you can now do pretty much all on your own (you have a little trouble with your foot getting stuck as you turn around, though).  After the gym, we stopped at Costco to grab a slice of pizza (of which you again ate a pretty good amount :)) an headed back home.
I began making cookies after lunch, as Andrea had texted to say she would not be coming today.  You ate some of the ingredients and insisted on sampling the dough (this is now routine, it seems lol).  A bit later, dad returned and had some fries to share with you.  Since you had had pizza, you ate less of these than usual.  You weren't acting tired yet, so we didn't try to have you nap.  I'm kind of wondering if you are now wanting to shift to a later nap time (if so, woo hoo! that would be very convenient...).  You did climb up on dad's lap and lay across like yesterday, but didn't fall asleep this time.
I left to go to the only lesson I had for the day, and when I returned, you were asleep in the floor just under daddy's feet (which were propped up on the footrest of the recliner).  It was quite funny--looked like you had simply run out of batteries and planted flat on the floor, atop your blankies.  You napped for about another hour after I arrived, then we made some more 'meh-ehls' (noodles) to have with leftovers from last night for dinner.  This time, you and daddy were doing the noodle cooking, and after seeing him eat some uncooked noodles, you decided to give that a try, too, and enjoyed crunching them as much as he does.
After dinner, we played with you in the living room floor--you like to run around in circles A LOT, with daddy, mommy, or both of us in the middle as you do so.  You also like a silly thing that daddy started with you where he raises his arms and says, "I'm a tree!", then you run at him, he says, "Timber!" and falls over, swooping at you as you pass, tickling you after he catches you.  When you want to play this, you now come over to us and take us by the hands, attempting to throw them up in the air and saying "tree!"  We have a lot of fun with this goofy game :)  All of this is great for running out your energy, so by the time it's bedtime, you are ready to do some calm playing in your room, wind down, and get to sleep.

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