Today dad got up with you just before mom woke up, and you seemed to be in a good mood as usual. But then, and throughout the day, little things that didn't go your way would send you into meltdown mode. Yes, you do have these bouts sometimes--generally it's not an all-day thing, though. It usually just means you are tired/need a nap. Perhaps you are partying in your sleep lol.
You were very happy to help me put away the lights in their boxes (finally found where they were!); I love when you help and actually enjoy it. Then you were quite upset that I decided your blankies had to be washed. I guess I should have left one out for you, but I think you would have been upset anyhow. We tried to have mac n cheese for lunch with you, which went well to start with, but after you decided you needed to be the one in control of the spoon, it went quickly downhill. You got mad because you still haven't mastered how to angle the spoon, so the macaroni was falling off half the time. After a few times of this, you'd had enough and wouldn't eat any more of it (even though I'm sure you were hungry for it).
We then took daddy to work. Just after dropping him off, at the light to exit from the campus onto Swift Road, a lady in a minivan was coming full speed through the red light. It scared mommy a lot--thankfully I saw her and was able to stop my vehicle in the intersection, which I think made her realize there was a red light in front of her and she managed to stop just in time as well. Thus we ended up stopped almost perpendicular to one another, her with a puzzled look on her face and the guy next to her as well, and me with jaw dropped, realizing that she could very well have killed me, you, or both of us. I cried a little on the rest of the trip back to the house.
Back at home, put you down for your nap and you did not object, so this meant that you'd get in about an hour and a half of nap before we'd need to leave for the lesson (where you get to come along). When I went to get you up, you were still sleeping peacefully, hated to do it. You got up well, though, and we took 3 of your 6 blankies for the car ride.
At the lesson, you did great until the very end. Once again, your memory amazed me; at this house (which you have been to several times now), around a month ago, you were interested in a machine that was in the floor in the corner of the dining room (where I conduct the lesson usually). This machine sorts coins, and they demonstrated it for you with the coins I had in my purse that day. Today, you saw the machine again, and even though there were no coins around, nor was it turned on, you pointed it out and exclaimed "coins!" Wow, bud, just wow. Like every other house we visit, you love the laundry room and always want to go there. This time, you didn't want to leave, and in your terrible toddler fashion, showed us this by thrashing backwards when I went to lead you out of the room. Either my nail or yours (nor sure which) grazed your cheek and actually drew blood, so you got even more upset. Had to get you calmed down again before we could leave, making us slightly late for getting back to the house. On the way home, you were still upset and wailed "blankiiiiiiiies" over and over, which I am guessing was because you only had 3 of the 6 (which I why I think the 1 blankie laundry solution would not work).
At home, thank goodness you calmed down after getting all the blankies, and you were babysat by Kristina (neighbor girl and student of mine) until dad could get home (about an hour later). She reported afterwards that you laughed and had fun the whole time, thank goodness!
For the rest of the evening, you were good, except during the poopy diaper change, dad told me (I was out at a lesson). Hoping you have a good sleep tonight and a better tomorrow. Love you :)
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