Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Just going to make this one short--as I said, I plan to post each day, even if it's only a little one (sometimes I just don't have it in me to post the whole day).  Today was mainly a cleaning house day, then shuttling you to Kailey's with me, then to Kristina's for babysitting.  The evening was spent with daddy, who is quite worn out from you getting up a little earlier than usual lately.  And yes, no nap for you again today (you took a three hour one yesterday, though, despite your vehement objections when I put you in the crib for it).
Just before bed, you were being very playful and wanted to run around a lot.  I remarked that I should count how many times you circled me (after you had done it probably a good 20-30 already).  I think the counting might have encouraged you to keep going even more lol.  You paused only a couple of times, one of which was to take a swig of 'chocate milk'--made it to 92.  Seriously, I sat in the floor and you ran 92 counted circles around me, you crazy energy-filled boy lol.  Hope it means you'll sleep well :)

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