Alright, new year, and once again, mommy resolves to write more often and consistently :)
Thing is, you keep us so busy!! I could not possibly write all the details of everything that has changed and developed since last time I blogged, so we'll just have to settle for some current stuff.
Obviously, you just had your third Christmas. It was quite a time! Because week 8 of classes was just before that, you spent the week before Christmas at Grandma Judy's. Though you had a great time during the days, you really gave her a terrible time at bedtime each night, sometimes keeping her up to 3am! Mommy and daddy came on Saturday (you had been there since Sunday), braving some icky weather to get there. Thankfully there was just enough of a break in the precipitation to let us get there (we slid around one corner just before grandma's, that was all). We thought perhaps being there would make you sleep better, but this was not the case.
The day after we arrived (Sunday), we had early Christmas with grandma Judy, complete with a nice turkey dinner. You enjoyed opening presents, much more than last year. Jonathan was there, so you two played together a little. Sleeping the second night went better, but still on the rough side. We wondered if it might be because of your teeth (think your 2 yr molars are still trying to poke through).
The next day, we departed and headed to Nana Linda's. There, you still fought the sleep, but not quite as bad, thanks to BabyFirst channel lol. We had a great ham dinner on Christmas, lots of playing with uncle Kevin (you not only remembered his name, but also that you played on the kitchen floor last time you were there and wanted to repeat that), and of course some present opening. It took you forever to open the few presents that you had because you were in a fussy mood and kept getting distracted by everything else going on. Of particular interest to you was dad's gift from nana, a wheeled cooler. We turned it upside down and you played with the wheels more than anything else the whole day lol.
On Friday (second day after Christmas), we left there and headed towards Iowa. En route, we stopped by "Auntie" Suzanne's parents' place in Waynesville for a quick visit with everyone there. You entertained them quite well with your fascination of turning on lights and fans and going up and down the stairs. You also enjoyed the many cats and dogs there, probably scared them a little, too lol. After that, we made it to Aunt Diane's place in the evening. Cousin Rick was kind enough to hook up an antenna to the TV in the room where we were to stay, which made for a much easier time getting you to sleep. We discovered you like watching 'Bewitched'. You only fussed a little when we turned out the lights, mommy figured out that using the "L" formation like at nana's worked better for getting you to sleep, so that also helped. Since that went much better than expected, we decided to stay one more night and return on Sunday.
When we got back home, you were elated. You ran all around the house, very excited. When it came time for bed, you impressed us quite a bit with your memory: a day or two before we left, while playing in your room, you had been telling mommy that the star piece to your Team Umizoomi toy was in the corner by your dresser. I had looked there, as had you, but we didn't find it. Here it was, two weeks later, and you started saying and pointing there again. This time, daddy looked and found it in the file box (you stuffed it in the hand hold opening). Unbelievable! You were very content to sleep in your room again, no fight or fuss whatsoever.
Last night, daddy and mommy went out for a date night to celebrate both our anniversary and New Year's eve. While we went out, Lyn watched you, which you enjoyed very much (you love her dogs and fans lol). We got back from dinner about 15 minutes before midnight, then hung around so we could count down to the new year all together :) You tried to count down with the timer on TV, but the numbers were too fast so you mainly just shouted out whatever numbers you thought of. We then returned home and got you in bed, once again without trouble, whew :D
Today we are just staying at home because it is snowing quite a bit! It started last night, so we had to be extra careful while out then. We'll probably go out and play in it together at some point today or tomorrow. Happy new year, little guy!
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