Sunday, June 5, 2011

You Never Stop Learning

Hey, buddy!

Your mom and I finished our childbirth class today.  It was fun and interesting, but most of all, it taught us some really good ways to help you begin a happy, healthy life.  We learned about birthing positions, what to expect from Mom's body when you're getting ready to come out, how I can make the process better and easier for both of you, and plenty of other useful things.

We also got to see the birthing center where you'll be born.  I just kept thinking about how the sights and sounds of the place would be among the very first things you would ever see and hear.  I felt good about that, because I really believe that we have chosen a wonderful place for you to enter the world.  It should be a good, safe spawn point for you to begin playing this fun, exciting, challenging game of life.

I learned today that I will get the honor of being the first to change your diaper.  I'll also be the first to swaddle you.  Today's class taught me how to do both of those things.  I'm sure these are just the beginning -- I know we'll have plenty of "firsts" together...and I hope they're more fun than that "diaper changing" bit.

But right now, my job in your life is to keep your mom healthy and comfortable so she can provide a nice buffer where you can finish "loading".  Every time I touch her belly these days, I can feel you with my fingertips.  You sure are a wiggly little thing!  But that's good.  It means you're doing just fine in there as you're getting ready to come out and meet us.  We try hard to make sure that you have a happy, low-stress environment -- both before and after you're born.

It's dinner time for us now, so I'd better go see if I can help Mom get something to eat.  Catch ya later, little guy.  I love you.



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