Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is...

Hi, Avery!

It's Dad again.  Forgive my random wandering and wondering, but I'm trying hard to figure something out.  It seems that ever since we got pregnant with you, people have been issuing dire warnings about how much our lives are going to change after you're born.  You've been called "a life changer". I've been advised to finish my game (Team Laser Combat) before you arrive, because there won't be time for anything else once you're here.  It seems like everyone is convinced that our lives are going to be turned upside down and nothing will ever be the same.  It feels like we're being told that we won't be able to handle having a baby around.

Now, I agree that things will be different for all of us.  Having you around is going to be so awesome, but it's definitely going to be a change from what we're used to.  However, I can't help but wonder if these "warnings" are somewhat over-dramatized and over-exaggerated.  Perhaps they're just intended to prepare us for the changes to come.  Perhaps they're the experiences of under-prepared parents.  Perhaps it's the point of view of people who aren't adequately acquainted with my nature.

Or perhaps they're right, and my wildest imagination just isn't pessimistic enough to conceive of the horrors I'm about to experience with your arrival.  I don't think this is the case.  I don't believe that everything I've worked to achieve is going to crumble once I have a high-maintenance baby and a full-time job as your father.  I just don't see that happening, and I'll tell you why.

First, there's the relationship I have with your mom. We always support each other in every way that we can, so no matter how difficult it may be to take care of you, neither of us is doing it alone.  We are true partners.  And you're totally worth it all.

Second, there's sheer determination.  I'm proud to be your daddy and I will fulfill that duty to the best of my ability.  You and Mommy can always count on me.  Always.  Again, you're worth it.

Then there are the books that your mom and I have read.  First we read one called The First 12 Months of Motherhood.  The author had a severe lack of logic and common sense, but a hearty supply of evil. If this dimwitted ice queen can raise a child, then I'm quite certain that we can too.

Then we read a book called The Happiest Baby on the Block.  This book is extremely well written. It's interesting to read, fun to discuss, and full of great information.  Most importantly, it describes attributes and habits of parents who are effective at calming and comforting their babies, and building bonds of trust with them.  It's reassuring to know that Mommy and I already have the right lifestyles and attitudes to serve you best.

And on the subject of books, I've noticed that several of my favorite books' authors write dedications to their families and children in the fronts of those books.  This means that these people are capable of being fathers, game developers, and book authors, all at the same time.  If they can do that, then can't I accomplish similar things?  Of course I can.  (There's an old lesson from Dr. Marsha Meredith at work here. I'll teach you that one later, buddy!)

President Franklin Roosevelt said "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."  Is this the case with us? I believe that it is.  I'm ready to be your daddy, even with all the challenges that come along with it.  I love you, little guy.



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