Friday, June 17, 2011

27 weeks, 2 days

We had a very busy, happy weekend--so much so that I'm just now getting around to posting about it (it's Thursday now)!  It will probably be the last time I travel while pregnant, as it is getting harder and more uncomfortable to do, well, a lot of things with the bigger and bigger belly holding you.  Hope that doesn't sound like a complaint--it isn't, I promise :)  Very happy you are in there!

Friday started with getting an elective 4D ultrasound—found a great deal to get one for just $69 at First Peek in Oak Park.  It was supposed to be a 20 minute session, but since we had the first appointment of the day and no one was waiting, they went more like 30 minutes.  Got a free DVD, too, so you can see it one day!  Just like with the 20 week ultrasound, you started out active, then settled into a spot and didn’t want to move much.  You’re still sitting on my bladder (I forgive you lol) and seem to prefer lying transverse; hopefully you will turn head down in the next few weeks.  You did a few cute poses with your hands/arms at first, then, turned away for a while.  The tech tried to get you to move (again, like last time), but it didn’t work, so we tried walking around for a few minutes and drinking some juice before trying again.  Right towards the end of the session, you finally started moving and we got some great shots.  Love the pic of you with your feet near your face—you were basically folding yourself in half!  We think you look like daddy and act like him a bit, too—you were up (what seemed like) all the night before and slept in the morning.  He had to actually stay up all that night to finish a project for school; perhaps you were trying to sympathize lol.
After the ultrasound, we stopped by the house to do a few things before heading to Iowa for the weekend.  Besides the fact that we have relatives there and enjoy visiting them often, there was another reason we were going: Aunt Diane was throwing a baby shower for us!  How exciting!  As always, we stayed with (Great) Nana—she loves having us spend the night with her, and this time, it was for three nights, so she was super happy.
Saturday was the big day; that morning, we printed copies of the best picture of you from the ultrasound to give to each person/family at the shower.  Nearly everyone came, even cousin Darby, who had been up all the previous night with her sister Leslie, who was having a baby girl, born that morning.  Darby was exhausted but happy for her sister and new niece.  Grandma Judy and Grandpa Roger also joined us, which made it all the merrier—everyone from my family loves having them around, too.  The only people missing from the shower were Aunt Liz (she had to work) and cousin Michael’s girlfriend Jessica (not sure why she couldn’t make it).  We had an awesome time, with food, games and tons of great gifts!  Daddy won the M&M’s guessing game and Nana Linda won the string-around-the-belly game. 
After it was over, the weather was really beautiful, so we went for a walk at the nearby memorial gardens with daddy and Nana Linda.  I’ve been trying to walk at least 30 minutes every day to help keep us (me and you) healthy, plus I enjoy walking anyhow.  That evening, we went out to dinner with some of the family to Chicago Speakeasy (yum), and afterwards, we hung out with Grandma Judy and Grandpa Roger at the Prairie Meadows Casino.  I came out $5 ahead, Judy came out around $20 ahead, but Roger lost some money.  We had fun anyhow; there was a good band playing there and you seemed to like the music—you moved around a lot when I got close to it : )
Sunday we spent the day with just Nana.  We went shopping at the mall, had lunch at Fazoli’s, and just enjoyed the rest of the time we had left at Nana’s house, chatting about you and all sorts of other things.
Monday morning, we headed to “Auntie” Suzanne’s near Kansas City (she’s not actually blood-related, but she’s my best friend, which makes her practically family).  She is making you the most beautiful blanket—I have a picture of her working on it, in fact.  We had a fun day hanging out with her, shopping/walking at the mall, having a great dinner at El Maguey (mega yum!), and just catching up on everything.  We spent the night at a hotel, then headed back home way too early the next morning (I had a tutoring appointment in the evening).  It was such a nice little getaway; hope you enjoyed it, too lol.
Your movements are getting stronger by the day, but still don’t follow any set pattern.  I’m sure getting a lot hungrier lately, though!  Am wondering if you have hit another growth spurt…time to go to bed now, at least, for me.  I feel you almost every time now when I get up in the night, so I am guessing you party all night and sleep most of the day.  As long as you don’t kick me hard enough to wake me, this arrangement is fine by me ;)
Love you lots,

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