Sunday, April 6, 2014


Lately you have been repeating soooooo much of what we say, but then, it seems you also recall what you see in your favorite TV shows as well and use those phrases, too.  Two days ago, when I came home from work, you asked for my phone and when I let you have it, you proclaimed, "Thanks!" and ran off to the living room with it lol.  Later, you asked for ice cream and the same thing/same reaction.  
Tonight, you were in the kitchen, coming down off of your stepstool and said, "Nice and slow" as you descended (we didn't teach you this, so thankfully it's a good phrase lol).  But the best one lately was later--you were fascinated with Sable in Uncle Kevin's lap.  You went over a few times to see her, pointed out her nose, ears, etc.  Then, at one point, you wandered over, crouched down and said, "Sable, WAKE UP!" We all cracked up so hard!  Poor doggie, she was just trying to catch some zzz's.

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