It's new year's day 2022 and we are staying inside, as we are expecting about 6" of snow today! We were supposed to go to grandma Judy's today, but with the weather, we opted to wait for tomorrow after the roads are cleared :)
News since last post is that we came back from our France trip 6 days early due to a Covid scare. Long story short is that Aurore's daughter (Selène) tested positive (but had not been at the house for 3 days), so we all got tested, came back negative, so I decided to try to change our flight to depart the next day (since we already had the negative test and didn't want to risk that we might be positive 6 days later), it succeeded at the last minute, we had to pack our bags the fastest I ever have in my life (and never want to do again), and we did indeed leave the next day. It was very sad and difficult to do it this way for both you and I, so I don't plan to go back to France until Covid is under better control. This was a very stressful experience to say the least. It was still a great trip anyway and I hope we can go back soon, or that they can come visit us.
You got a ton of stuff from Santa for Christmas; we spent it at Nana's and had a lovely time, as we always do. It was unseasonably warm there, even for Missouri (the high was like 70 on Christmas day, ugh). We barely needed our jackets the whole visit. We made lots of tasty treats and foods and had a great visit.
Grandma Judy sold her country house about 2 weeks ago, so when we go tomorrow, we get to see her new house, which is in Keokuk. This will make it easier to visit her, as she will have reliable internet and cell service, as well as not living so far away from everything. We are all excited to see her new place! I'll post about it after we return :)
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