Yes, you read that right, we are in confinement. Not prison, just confined to staying at the house. The entire country of France is in lockdown due to the Covid-19 coronavirus, and since we are here, we are part of that lockdown. This was the week that we should have been traveling to visit Marion and JT, but we had to cancel it, as it's not allowed now. Even if it were, I would have canceled, as I don't want to catch the virus nor spread it (you can have it and not know it, but still spread it). I've been writing all about this in my personal journal of the trip, which I will share with you when and if you want to read it :)
Currently, we think you have bronchitis, brought on by a flu-like thing you were having a few days ago. It's likely due to you having had a runny nose for over a week and you kept sucking the snot back up in your sinuses rather than blowing out. I hope next time you get a runny nose you'll be more apt to blow your nose! Either way, you are getting better each day, but haven't had a lot of energy, so you aren't playing with Maty and Loulou these days. That part is a bummer, but I'm sure you'll be better enough soon to get back to playing with them. You've been learning a lot of French from being here and Maty has learned a few English words, too. Even Mélo has been making efforts!
You also recently decided to start learning Japanese, which I think is awesome. You are using Duolingo for this and doing quite well. I've been trying to do it as well, but I'm not as far along as you. That's about it for current updates, will try to keep you posted again soon. Love, mom.
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