During this past week, you went to the dentist again and I'm happy to report that it went well. Daddy took you this time and said you reacted similarly to last time: uneasy at first, happy after you let the 'happy gas' take effect. You chose a grape scented 'nose' this time :)
You also tried crêpes on the 2nd of Feb (la chandeleur); you'd had them quite a while before this and liked them, yet you'd forgotten, so you were hesitant, despite being slathered in Nutella (which you LOVE).
One thing I don't think I've mentioned recently is that for a while now, you like to pretend you are a cat for just a little bit nearly every day. You will come up to us and 'meow' and even imitate how the cats like to nudge us to pet them with their heads. Sometimes, when we ask you a question, such as, "Would you like some milk?", you will tell us something like, "Well, I don't, but the cat does." LOL. You also like to imitate Sable (Uncle Kevin's dog) by playing fetch with a ball, but you never claim to be a dog like you do with 'the cat'. You have quite the wonderful and active imagination :) love you lots!
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