We had a lot of fun at Chelsea's house for mommy's birthday--you especially loved eating the cake I made :) Chelsea told mommy "Happy birthday!" at least 10 times (you might have said it once or twice); when we got back, Uncle Kevin asked you what you did and you replied, "We had a birthday!" lol. Over the weekend, we visited Nana Linda, which, just like grandma Judy's, you always love because you certainly get spoiled quite a bit each place. As usual, we blew bubbles on Nana's deck, we went to Wal-Mart all together, and you dusted the large vase in the living room. The reason the post is titled "47" is that seems to be your favorite number to say for everything lately. You also choose other numbers in the 40's, but 47 seems the most frequent. Perhaps it's because you are in the 40's on your stats: 46" tall, 46 pounds (everyone thinks you look like you are 5 or even 6).
Something we find totally cute and hilarious is that (I think I mentioned this in a previous post when you first started saying it), if we ask you, "What do you have in your pockets?", your response without hesitation is "arrows". If we ask you, "What do you have in your mouth?", your response is "springs". And if we dare ask how many right now, it's either going to be 47, another number in the 40's, or you'll try to make up some really large number that comes out as "18 thousand, 700 thousand, 18 hundred, 45 thousand, 47!"
Along with making up numbers that cannot exist, you also love to get silly and make up words for things. Some are just one time words; one that is consistent is "sadzy". You often tell us after getting out of your car seat that your back is "all sadzy". At Nana's house, you informed us that your feet were "all cobzy", which we think meant that you got some dirt and sand in your socks and shoes when you played at the playground at Atchley Park.
You are also still doing great *knock on wood* about getting up to go potty during the night if you need to, and have only woken up wet once since you started with the "big boy diapers" (these are the pull-ups diaper/underwear for overnights). You're extremely proud of being able to pull them down and up all on your own. You are getting better about not screaming so much--although you did for just a moment tonight, after telling me, "One, two, three, gonna be mad, aaaaaaaaahhh!" I had to hold back my giggle :) You want to be with me and/or daddy all the time. You ask to go with us everywhere, not understanding when we have to tell you no (such as when we go to work).
You can read sooooo many words now! (Chelsea's mom was quite impressed :)) I think that, although you know sort of how to sound out words, you read like mommy did when she was little: whole word recognition. We bought you a book over the weekend with kindergarten level skills in it to practice; you can read every word in it so far. We're not very far along on handwriting and such, though--that will come with time, I'm sure :) lots of love as always ~~ mommy
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