Yep, the past 3 months flew by far faster than expected. Mommy got busy with planning a trip with Nana Linda to Europe, then it was the end of the school year, the trip happened in the first two weeks in June, and boom, here's July!
I can't possibly cover all that has happened for you in the last three months, so I'll just go with some of the most recent things that come to mind.
Just after mommy came back from vacation, we had to get Nana Linda back home to Missouri. Uncle Kevin wanted to visit his friends for a while down there, so we took him along and dropped him off. Grandma Judy wanted some time with you, so we took you to her house to stay while daddy was busy wrapping up the end of another school term. You were going to stay there until we were coming to Grandma's for 4th of July weekend, but Grandma started not feeling well the weekend before. Also, you were starting to ask to go back to "Avery's house" every day. Thus, we decided to meet up with her halfway and bring you back early.
We still went to Grandma Judy's for the weekend of the 4th, as daddy's cousin was having a big party and we wanted to attend. He lives right near the park where the fireworks are displayed for Keokuk, which is also where a carnival is held. We took you to that for a while (you did some rides all by yourself, plus one with mommy) and then enjoyed the fireworks after. You were so excited about all of them--you shouted and whooped about how big they were and had everyone giggling at how adorable you were about it :) On Sunday, we attended a family reunion on Grandma Judy's side and then met up with Nana Linda in Hannibal to get Uncle Kevin to bring him back with us.
In other news, lately you have become quite the good reader. You also ask what everything "means" and tend to fuss quite a bit to try to get your way. We're still working on your tendency to scream when you get mad about not getting your way; think it's getting better, but not gone entirely by any means. You are super picky about eating, too--you won't even eat some of the things you used to love and it's nearly impossible to get you to try new stuff, even sweets! Even so, we keep making efforts and most of the time you are pretty happy and VERY energetic.
Today we went to see the movie "Inside Out", which you had requested to see when you saw the previews with daddy and Uncle Kevin at another movie a few weeks ago. When we first got there, things were not going well--you stumbled on the stairs a little and got a scrape on the front of your ankle. This put you in an unhappy mood and you weren't so sure you wanted to watch the movie after we got inside. Daddy took you to the restroom (per your request), then mommy had to do the same (per your request); I also had to get you calm enough to come back in and decide to watch the movie after all (whew!). At the end, you insisted we stay to watch all of the "credix" lol. Later, we went to Meijer for some shopping, which went mostly well (you were getting fussy about which register and helping at the end). Overall, I think you had a good day. Love you lots and will hopefully not be 3 more months before I write again ~ ~ mommy
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