Hello, it's your always busy mom, checking in once again, while I have the chance. In just 3 weeks, you will turn 2! Here are some highlights of what you like to do now:
* You love baths to the point that you get mad when we take you out. You love to play with your toys in there and be silly. You still dislike having your hair washed/rinsed, so we have to be careful about doing that.
* You are talking a lot--just words and repeated sounds, but you have a vocabulary. For the time being, you are focused on English, since that is what you hear most (and having a summer full of exchange students, I didn't speak it much to you, but I'm correcting that now!!). Words you say include: corn (which sounds like a New Yorker saying it), shoes (sho-woo-woos), lights (aight!), cat (instead of 'ow, you now say just 'at), TV, hello, bye bye (eye eye), teeth (eeet), uh oh, no, chip, and tree. You still imitate the alarm system saying 'back door', too, which cracks us up. We think you are saying 'I want' and pointing at stuff when it comes out 'ah baaaah'. The other day, when dad was changing your diaper, he said, "Oh, man!" and ever since, you have been imitating this, complete with intonation (it's adorable and hilarious). When Spongebob comes on, you always go "oooooooooooo" just before that part of the intro song does it (which I giggle about every time you do it). You also like to come press the 'caps lock' key on my keyboard (since it has a nice little light blue light), so I started saying it every time, which now you repeat or say yourself (comes out 'ap ock'). And this morning, you chose at random to repeat dad saying 'backpack' when he was getting stuff out of his. You understand a lot more than you can say, so we know it will be no time before you start chattering in full sentences and telling us all kinds of things :)
Speaking of which, we took you to the new rec center today, where you had a great time playing in the Kids Zone while we worked out. They got you to crawl through a tunnel toy, which is something you are always a little unsure about. You were having so much fun that you didn't seem to care about leaving lol!
You eat quite a bit, with corn on the cob, watermelon, and Wheat Thins seeming to top your list of favorites (seriously, we had to wrap up the box in paper so you couldn't see it, or you'd probably insist on mowing your way through the whole thing!) We are currently working on switching you from bottles to cups and sippies, though you are darn picky about the latter (we have several that you refuse to even touch).
You are very, very playful, which we enjoy so much. Most days you are pretty happy, though you do get quite mad when you don't get your way (yep, you are a budding two year old, pretty normal!) If dad sits at the edge of the couch, on the floor, you will get up on the couch and then try to come down the front of him almost like he is a slide. When you play with the pinwheel, you still take a big breath and blow, even though you use your hand to spin it.
Those are just a sampling of all the things I could tell you about you right now--they are the ones that stick out in my mind and wanted to be sure I noted them all before another couple of months slip away from me.
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