Monday, November 14, 2011

Achievement Unlocked: Sleep Through the Night


It's Dad.  I'm so happy for you!  You've reached a milestone:  For the very first time, you actually slept all the way through the night without waking up!  Of course, you were really hungry by morning, but that's perfectly normal and totally OK!  Yay!

Coincidentally, I'm also doing something today that I've never done before.  I'm entering an art show.  I'm not really an artist, though I wish I were, but DeVry has an annual art show for employees, students, and their families.  Since I had to make a 3D scene for my project anyway, I decided I might as well enter it into the show.  Here it is:

I look forward to the time when you, Mom, and I can draw pictures and color together.  That's gonna be fun!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

6 weeks, 5 days

Once again, I must apologize for not writing sooner, but time is sooo hard to find these days.  This entry will be quick for that very reasosn--if I sat here and wrote everything out since last entry, I'd be up far too long.  I'm up now because you needed fed.  Normally you have been waiting until around 5am lately, but you slept a bit more in the evening than usual, so this is not a surprise to me to be up a little earlier.  I don't mind taking care of you, but gosh will it ever be nice when we can all sleep through the night again (I suspect this won't be happeningyour hed  for me until I'm done pumping/breastfeeding you, which I plan to do until at least the 6 month mark).
Anyway, lots of stuff has been happening in your little life!  You are started getting interested in objects a lot more lately; this triggered us to get out the playmat with the hanging toys for you to try a couple of days ago and you love it!  Another thing you have achieved since last entry is that you now sleep in your crib instead of the bassinet...this started on Halloween night and has been going well ever since.  You visited the doctor for a well checkup one week ago today; you weighed 10lbs 12 oz (75th percentile, same % for head circumference) and were 24 3/4 inches long (95th percentile!).  Your love of eating seems to be getting you places lol!  Oh and on getting places--you have been trying to crawl every time we have ever put you on your tummy for about 3 weeks now.  Each week you seem to get just a little better at it.  However, it makes you frustrated because you are not yet string enough to hold all of yourself up and coordinate all the movements.  We are amazed at how well you hold up your head and push around on the floor even so.  Pretty sure you are going to crawl far earlier than normal.
Well, time for me to be done pumping now and go back to sleep.  I'll write more as soon as I possibly can.  As always, I love you very much...mommy.