Today we reach the 22 week mark, leaving just 18 weeks until we get to meet you. Both your dad and I can hardly wait! The weather suddenly turned very hot today--temps in the mid 80's, like an early taste of summer. It's only supposed to last a few days, then back to more spring-like weather (60's during the day, etc).
You are moving a lot these days; I was saying to your dad earlier that I wish I could see what you are doing in there. Sometimes you seem to be trying to tickle me, I swear! The most movement happens when: 1. we are riding in the car on my way to tutoring appointments (or elsewhere), 2. right after I eat or drink anything, 3. when you hear music. Hope that means you like those things lol.
Since the weather has been much better lately, dad and I have been going for walks everyday, mostly in our neighborhood. We talk about how we will do this with you--first in carriers or strollers, then with you walking beside us! Lucky us, we live near lots of things, including the library, many parks with playgrounds full of kids and great playground equipment, and places to eat. I imagine taking you to the library to check out books to read together, then some time to enjoy the park, too.
I may not write here everyday, but you are a part of everyday for me/us already...
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