Hello again :) That's right, you and I are in France once again to visit my best French friend Mélo and her kids/your friends, Maty and Lou. We arrived a few days ago (Wed 17th Nov) and are staying until 21 Dec. I'll do my best to write updates here about how things go. So far, you are having a great time playing with the kids. It was Maty's birthday yesterday, which was fun. There is also Mélo's friend Aurore staying here with her kid, Selène. Thus, you get to interact with a lot of kids these days! It's been noisy, so I'm hanging out in our room today. Mélo is gone all day for some event, so I have no idea what we'll be doing rest of the day. We've had a bit of difficulty with jet lag this time. Both of us were unable to sleep very well night before last, but last night we slept hard and very long. I'm still tired today, hoping it will pass soon. Ready to be adapted to these hours! Tomorrow Maty is having his big birthday party, so hopefully you'll enjoy that, too.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Cookies...by yourself!
Just a quick entry to note that yesterday, you made peanut butter kiss cookies (including retrieving them from the oven!) all on your own! These cookies, which you like to call "spikey Saturns", are one of your very favorite cookies. Super proud of you for making them pretty much with no help from me (you had to ask me some things, but that was about it).
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Mowing the Lawn...or not
Yesterday, I had the idea to have you try helping me mow the lawn. We currently have a gas mower that is fairly noisy, so at first you were afraid of it. I convinced you that you would be fine and safe so long as you didn't go darting in front of it or sticking your hand where the blade was, so you cautiously joined me as we mowed a row together. I showed you how to pivot, and all was going well until we crossed an area with a dirt patch that kicked up into the air. You ran off due to this, but I called you back after the dust cleared and you tried again. All was fine until the wind blew the dandelion seedling bits back at you, and you wanted to get away again, telling me that you were worried it would get in your eyes. Understandable, guess I should have given you some glasses to wear (though I somehow managed just fine without).
You then joined me in the backyard and rather than asking you to mow more, I gave you trimming duty with the big shears. You did a great job, got about half of the trimming done before you were too tired and wanted to go inside to have a Bomb Pop :) Love when you help me like this, thank you!
Friday, April 23, 2021
And yet ANOTHER tooth gone!
Seriously, kiddo, can't believe you lost another tooth two days ago--crazy! And speaking of growing, you have been getting taller and taller all the time. You have grown 3/4" in height just since January!!
Daddy just got his second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine yesterday and I will be getting mine next Friday. Two weeks after the last dose is when we are considered "protected", so then we can visit relatives again! You and dad are going to go visit grandma Judy next month while dad has break between sessions. I can't go :( because I still have that French class to teach for Elevate, and grandma's Internet is not good enough to do that. But we'll see her again soon and more frequently! And we'll see Nana Linda again probably in June right after I finish with the class.
I'm planning to travel with you on a nice road trip this summer, though I'm not sure yet where we will go. It will depend on the Covid numbers for each state--don't want to go anywhere with high numbers. In August, all three of us will go out west to North Dakota and some other places. ND has never had bad numbers the whole time of the pandemic, and isn't a super popular destination, thus I think it will be a great choice this year.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
And ANOTHER tooth gone!
Just wanted to record that you lost yet ANOTHER tooth yesterday! Just under two months since you lost the last one, jeez! Second molar, tooth #12. You received $12 from the tooth fairy for this one :)
In other news, you got a letter from a new pen pal in Japan. Her name is Miran, she is 7 years old. You wrote her back today and we will send the letter tomorrow or next day.
You got a new nerdy toy, too: the Turing Tumble. This is a kit to make Turing-style "computers", which you have been doing enthusiastically ever since it arrived. It's a great brainy toy, happy to see you playing with it and creating amazing things.
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Interview questions
A popular thing on social media is to do a 'kid interview' and record the answers, so I thought we'd do one for you today:
Sunday, February 7, 2021
New year, two more teeth gone
As usual, time continues to zoom by. I'm thinking maybe I should set a reminder for myself to blog on here, even if it's just for brief updates.
Thing is, there's not a lot to report these days, as we are still dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. You and I went to visit Nana back in October; that is the last time we've gone anywhere to visit anyone. We also had Suzanne come to visit during that month. The infection numbers were starting to go up a bit, but it wasn't terrible yet. Then the holidays came and the numbers got a bit out of control for a while. There was also the presidential election in November, where we finally voted out T***p (I don't even like to write his name, I always referred to him as "45"). After a tumultuous inauguration a couple of weeks ago (look this up if you don't remember it), we have Joe Biden as president and Kamala Harris as vice-president--first female vice ever in the US! Things are looking up, as there is a vaccine for Covid now, but it's a limited supply. Only frontline workers (people like nurses, doctors, etc) can get it right now, so dad and I are waiting our turn, as are many people.
Events with you: you recently lost your first molar! And it was only a few weeks prior to that when you lost another incisor! You've been doing homeschool as always (and thank goodness we are homeschoolers with the pandemic going on!), making lots of progress. You are also still doing karate, which the classes are online right now. You have a graduation coming up this month, which will mark the end of advanced class...meaning you will start BLACK BELT training in March!! Super exciting :)
Currently you love your large stuffed animal cats, which you call "boops" and you drag them around with you everywhere in the house. Their names are Tallie and Breadbun. You love to make domino runs and Keva contraptions (Keva blocks are basically the same as Kapla, which you loved playing with when we were in France). Speaking of France, I can hardly believe that it was an entire year ago that we were getting ready to head there. Had no idea that things would go the way they did, and now no idea when we will get to return. I'm fairly certain ti won't be until 2022. I'm hoping we will be able to at least travel domestically this summer, even if we have to camp and/or sleep in the car during the entire trip (I'm not too sure of staying in any hotels for a while, as many of them have been used as temporary Covid-hospitals). I want to do a western trip and and an eastern one. I'm also hoping they might open the border with Canada, but I have very big doubts about that. Want to go see Québec, New Brunswick, and such once it's possible.
Anyway, that's enough for now. I really do have the goal of posting here more often...we'll see if I can do that! Love you lots ~mom