(the post date on this was supposed to be the 4th of December)
Mommy has been off the blog for a bit because she was in a sleep lab for 2 weeks...ask me about this sometime (or maybe I'll still be doing them by the time you can, who knows lol?)
Anyway, I came back home last week, very tired, the day before Thanksgiving. Nana Linda and Papa Junior were already here because we needed them to watch you while Uncle Kevin and daddy were both busy away from the house the day before. We had a great Thanksgiving, though you didn't eat any of the wonderful yummies (you have been quite the picky poke lately about eating even foods we know you love). The day after that, we went out shopping to get you a new mattress set and on Saturday (4 days ago), we picked it up--everyone except mommy helped convert your crib into a new, full size big boy bed (mommy had to leave to start back to lessons/work). You loved it right away and have so far *knock on wood* slept very well in it. Problem is, unlike the crib, you now have the freedom to get up when you want. You have gotten up too early for us most mornings, and then last night, you came out of the room 3 times after being put to bed to go potty and get more milk. Guess you're still adjusting--that's OK :)
Your newest thing is to grab someone's hand and say, "Walk-a-my-hand" and then lead them off to show them something or do something with you.
Potty training is going pretty well these days. You now say this whole phrase when you need to go, "Go bathroom and pee pee potty go for it"--probably because every time you would tell us you needed to go when we were doing the no-bottoms method, we would tell you to "go for it". So cute that you think this is part of the phrase now lol.
You've also started randomly repeating phrases from TV. The other day you were just walking through the house and declared, "Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back on Boomerang!" No surprise, given your love of all the shows on that network :)